The BenchCast: A Podcast For Powerlifters

The BenchCast: A Podcast For Powerlifters

Hosted by: Coach Ben

A podcast for powerliters and strength enthusiasts alike! Coach Ben is a professional powerlifting coach and bench presser, with an 820 lb bench in competition. He shares his tips and tricks on how to get stronger,...


My Favorite Meet in a Decade Of Competing

Season #1

Wanted to do something a little different on the podcast today. I want to tell you about my favorite meet I've ever done in almost a decade of competing on the platform. Enjoy the story!  ONLINE COACHING...
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3 Things Every Great Bench Presser Needs To Be Feeling!

Season #1

Every great bench presser without a doubt should be feeling these 3 things occurring when they bench. If not, then it's time to rethink your approach! ONLINE COACHING - BETTER...
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How To Get Stronger Every Week!

Season #1

This is the simplest and most effective way to make progress each and every week! Stop taking a step backwards and continue to make progress forward! ONLINE COACHING - BETTER...
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The Secret To Consistent Bench Progress!

Season #1

I'm about to share with you the KEY to making consistent bench progress! If all you want to do is PR every max test, this is how you do it! The answer may surprise you!  ONLINE COACHING...
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3 TIPS For Better Back Tightness!

Season #1

If you're struggling with back tightness, this is the episode to listen to! A loss of back tightness often feels like a loss of pop off the chest or you'll see early elbow flare and similar issues occur. You can help...
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TOP 3 Tricep Movements - Big Ben's Big 3

Season #1

What are my big 3 tricep movements right now? I explain why these movements will help BLOW UP your bench press and why they belong in the top 3! ONLINE COACHING - BETTER BENCHING...
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Mastering The Art of the TOUCH In A Bench Shirt!

Season #1

Getting weight to touch in a bench shirt is the most frustrating part of equipped lifting! In this episode I'm going to break it down and explain how to make the process easier!  ONLINE COACHING...
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What Makes A Good Training Program?

Season #1

Does your training program include these 3 qualities? If not, it's time to find something different! ONLINE COACHING - BETTER BENCHING ACADEMY...
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Raw Bench Training vs Shirted Bench Training

Season #1

What are some of the differences between training for raw bench and training in a bench shirt? In this episode I discuss some of the aspects that differentiate the two, and what you want to focus on! ONLINE COACHING...
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What Makes A Good Bencher?

Season #1

What qualities does a good bench press athlete possess? This may look different for everyone but I open the discussion in today's episode! There are 4 main qualities I touch on in this podcast that can help definie...
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Meet Conditions Are Out Of Your Control, Come Prepared

Season #1

You never know what you might get at a meet. There are a lot of unpredictable elements and all you can do is prepare yourself. In this episode I discuss the ways in which you can prepare yourself for hectic meet...
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Pressing With A Deadlift Bar? What?

Season #1

No, I haven't lost my mind. Pressing with a deadlift bar is AWESOME! It creates a great training effect and teaches you to use your upper back effectively. Give it a try! Just make sure you clear it first with the bar...
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