The BenchCast: A Podcast For Powerlifters

The BenchCast: A Podcast For Powerlifters

Hosted by: Coach Ben

A podcast for powerliters and strength enthusiasts alike! Coach Ben is a professional powerlifting coach and bench presser, with an 820 lb bench in competition. He shares his tips and tricks on how to get stronger,...


What Makes A Good Bencher?

Season #1

What qualities does a good bench press athlete possess? This may look different for everyone but I open the discussion in today's episode! There are 4 main qualities I touch on in this podcast that can help definie...
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Meet Conditions Are Out Of Your Control, Come Prepared

Season #1

You never know what you might get at a meet. There are a lot of unpredictable elements and all you can do is prepare yourself. In this episode I discuss the ways in which you can prepare yourself for hectic meet...
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Pressing With A Deadlift Bar? What?

Season #1

No, I haven't lost my mind. Pressing with a deadlift bar is AWESOME! It creates a great training effect and teaches you to use your upper back effectively. Give it a try! Just make sure you clear it first with the bar...
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Takeaways From Coaching Bench On The Road!

Season #1

We've finished up our Summer Bench Clinic Tour! There were some really great take aways that I'd like to share to help you with your bench. These are common issue I've seen and how we can address them to bench more...
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Sizing an Inzer SDP Bench Shirt

Season #1

Thinking of ordering an Inzer SDP multi-ply bench shirt? Listen here first! I'm going to discuss how to size this shirt so you have the perfect fit! ONLINE COACHING -Ā BETTER...
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A Prepared Lifter Is A Successful Lifter

Season #1

Train how you'll compete at a meet! This is a very important concept, especially for advanced athletes. Understand your federations rules and equipment and mimic the conditions as closely as possibleĀ  ONLINE COACHING...
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Keeping Chest Up Isn't Easy!

Season #1

Keeping chest up is a common cue for the bench press, but I'm going to explain why it isn't so easy! There are a lot of technical elements at play here that makes this difficult to do. Hopefully the tips shared here...
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Learn From My Mistakes! (Meet Recap)

Season #1

In this episode I recap my previous bench meet. Learn what my most valuable takeaway was, because it's something that can help many of you as well! ONLINE COACHING - BETTER...
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Don't Time Your Leg Drive!

Season #1

Avoid bounce pressing your bench by eliminating timing your leg drive! The body should work as one during the bench press to contribute force. There should be no timing involved Ā  ONLINE COACHING -...
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Add 30 lbs To Your Bench! (in 3 Weeks)

Season #1 Our 3 week shock challenge is FREE and has been proven to add 5-30 lbs to your bench in only 3 weeks! In this episode I discuss why it's such a successful program...
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3 Drills To Fix Bent Wrists!

Season #1

If you're struggling to keep your wrists from bending when you bench, these 3 drills will help! Transfer more force to the bar for a bigger bench!
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Less Range Of Motion Is Not Always Better!

Season #1

Everyone wants to place an emphasis on having an arch and widening grip to shorten range of motion. In this episode I'm going to explain why chasing less range of motion on your bench press is not always advantageous!
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